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Garlic Plants Need Sulfur

Writer: Jere FolgertJere Folgert

Updated: Jan 16, 2024

Imagine garlic plants, not as pungent kitchen heroes, but as tiny alchemists brewing a flavor potion. And the secret ingredient in their magical elixir? That, my friend, is sulfur, the unsung hero of the garlic world.

But sulfur isn't just some random spice. It's the backbone of allicin, the molecule that gives garlic its fiery punch and its potent health benefits. Think of it as the iron in Captain America's shield – vital for garlic's superpowers.

Now, not all sulfur is created equal. Garlic plants, the picky eaters of the garden world, prefer their sulfur in a fancy dress called sulfate. They can absorb it through their roots from the soil, like vampires slurping up a sulfur smoothie. And boy, do they need it! Sulfate plays a vital role in building those pungent cloves, keeping plants strong and healthy, and even warding off pesky diseases.

But without enough sulfur, our garlicky heroes grow weak and sickly. Their leaves yellow, their cloves shrink, and the magical allicin potion dwindles. It's like Captain America without his shield – vulnerable and sad.

So, how do we keep our garlic gardens thriving? We can add sulfate-rich fertilizers, like potassium sulfate or gypsum, like giving them a sulfur power-up. Compost and even manure are also great sources of this vital nutrient.

Remember, sulfur is the silent partner in the garlic tango. It may not get the flashy headlines, but without it, the show wouldn't go on. So next time you bite into a juicy clove, thank not just the sun and water, but also the humble, hardworking sulfur, the secret ingredient that makes garlic the rockstar of the kitchen. Now go forth and spread the garlicky gospel, and remember, a little bit of sulfur goes a long way in the quest for flavorful, healthy garlic!

Question: Do my Garlic Plants Really Need Sulfur?

Answer: Sulfur (S) is one of the 17 elements essential for all plant growth. Sulfur is the fourth most important element in plant growth after nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in terms of the amount required. Sulfur is a very important component of plant metabolism and is required to improve the overall growth and well-being of plants. The deficiency of sulfur leads to stunted growth of plants and ultimately loss of yield. Sulfur supports several different plant functions, including the formation of enzymes, the creation of new proteins in plants, aiding in photosynthesis and directly affecting growth and energy. Sulfur also helps plants' resistance to disease, aids in bulb growth, and sulfur compounds are directly related to garlic's unique healing benefits and flavors. Sulfur is a structural component of protein bonds, vitamins, and amino acids. Garlic plants absorb sulfur through their root systems in the SO₄²⁻ form. This means that all elemental sulfur, including sulfur in compost and manure, must be converted to SO₄²⁻ in order to be utilized by garlic and other plants.

  • Sulfate-Sulfur is the only form of sulfur the plant can utilize.

  • Elemental sulfur is dependent upon time, temperature and moisture to be available to the plant.

  • Sulfate-Sulfur will not acidify the soil.

Question: Why are the Leaves of our Garlic Plants Turning Yellow?

Answer: Some garlic growers may notice that the leaves of their maturing garlic plants are turning yellow. The initial thought is that the yellowing leaves are a sign of a nitrogen deficiency. But after treating the area around the garlic plants with nitrogen, the yellowing appears to get even worse. This yellowing of the leaves is likely a sign of a sulfur deficiency.

Sulfur plays an important role in the production of chlorophyll and photosynthesis. Garlic plants use the process of photosynthesis to transform sunlight, oxygen, water, and carbon dioxide into oxygen, and simple sugars that the plants use as fuel. Sulfur, calcium, and magnesium make up a group called "secondary nutrients," which means that the quantity of each is vital to the life of a plant. A garlic crop’s need for sulfur is closely associated with nitrogen. Both sulfur and nitrogen are components of protein and are involved in chlorophyll formation. Garlic plants are heavy feeders and have a fairly high nitrogen need. They typically have a high sulfur need as well. Sulfate-Sulfur is the only form of sulfur the plant can utilize.

Know your Sulfur. There are several different forms of sulfur, but only one form is available to plants: sulfate sulfur. Sulfate sulfur is a negatively charged ion that is easily absorbed by plant roots. It is found in many different fertilizers, including ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfate, and magnesium sulfate.

Sulfur is an essential nutrient for plants. It is involved in the production of proteins, chlorophyll, and vitamins. It also helps to regulate plant growth and development. Sulfur deficiency can cause a number of problems in plants, including stunted growth, yellowing leaves, and poor yields. To ensure that your plants have enough sulfur, you should test your soil regularly. Pay a soil lab to perform a proper test, as the cost of less than $50. If your soil is low in sulfur, you can apply a fertilizer that contains sulfate sulfur. You can also apply sulfur-rich compost or manure to your soil.

Sulfur is an essential nutrient for plants. It is a component of many proteins and amino acids, which are the building blocks of plant cells. Sulfur is also involved in the synthesis of chlorophyll, which is the pigment that gives plants their green color. Sulfur is found in soil and water, but it is often unavailable to plants. This is because sulfur is often bound to other minerals in the soil. To make sulfur available to plants, it must be converted into a form that can be absorbed by the roots. There are a few ways to make sulfur available to plants. One way is to add sulfur-rich fertilizers to the soil. Another way is to apply sulfur-rich compost to the soil. Sulfur can also be made available to plants by adding sulfur-rich minerals to the water. Sulfur is an important nutrient for plants. It is essential for the growth and development of plants. Sulfur is also involved in the production of chlorophyll, which is the pigment that gives plants their green color.

What is Sulfur? Sulfur or sulfur (Sulfur is used in American English, Sulphur is used in British English) is a pale yellow material that is tasteless, and odorless. On the earth's crust, it can be found as the pure element (S) or as sulfide and sulfate minerals. Sulfur is an essential element for life and is found in two amino acids, Cysteine and Methionine. Sulfur is the chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol S and atomic number 16 (Sulfur is the 16th most abundant element on Earth's crust). Oxygen, Silicon, Aluminium, Iron, Calcium, Sodium, Magnesium and Potassium are the top 8.

Sulfur is considered the 4th Major Nutrient for Plants, following Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K). It is classified as a secondary element, along with Magnesium and Calcium, but it is sometimes called “the 4th major nutrient” because some crops can take up as much sulfur as Phosphorus.

How Many Different Forms of Sulfur Are There?

Chemicals have unique names. Sulfate (Sulphate), sulfite (Sulphite), and sulfur (Sulphur) are three chemicals with different chemical and physical properties. For someone who is not familiar with chemistry, these names sound somewhat the same, but there are differences between sulfur, sulfate, and sulfite?

What is Elemental Sulfur?

Sulfur is a non-metallic element. Sulfur is present in numerous compounds and in various forms which is why it is called an allotropic element. In pure form, sulfur can have many physical forms. The most common is a yellow solid or powder.

What is Sulfate?

Sulfate is an oxy-anion of Sulfur (An oxy-anion is oxygen-containing negative ion). Sulfuric acid consists of two H+ ions and one sulfate ion.

What is Sulfite?

Sulfite is another oxy-anion of sulfur. The difference between sulfate and sulfite lies in the number of atoms present in the ion. Sulfite has three oxygen atoms doubly bonded to the central Sulfur atom. Sulfites are chemicals that are in some foods, either naturally or as additives.

What Form of Sulfur is Used by Plants?

Sulfate-Sulfur is the only form of sulfur the plant can utilize right away. Elemental sulfur needs more time, specific temperatures and moisture to be available to plants. Oxidation is more rapid in warm, moist soils with high organic matter. Oxidation reactions of elemental sulfur are also faster in alkaline soils than in acidic soils.

The majority of sulfur in most soils is contained in organic matter. Sulfate-sulfur, like most anions, is somewhat mobile in soils and therefore subject to leaching. Soil conditions where sulfate-sulfur is most likely to be deficient are low organic matter levels, coarse (sandy) texture with good drainage, and areas that receive significant rainfall. Manure, if available, is an excellent source of sulfur, as well as many other important nutrients. Most livestock manure, including cow and horse manure, contains approximately 0.25% sulfur. Sulfur content is greater, in poultry manure (0.50%).

Sulfate-Sulfur vs Elemental Sulfur Availability in Plants

What is the Role of Sulfur in Garlic Plants and Bulb Growth?

Sulfur not only helps to increase crop yields and improves plant quality, it also has the potential to help increase the uptake of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Sulfur, in the right form, is essential for nitrogen fixation and necessary in the formation of chlorophyll. Most sulfur uptake occurs in the late season during bulb growth. Garlic plants use sulfur in the processes of producing proteins, amino acids, enzymes, and vitamins. Garlic's unique flavor is due partly to the presence of Diallyl Disulfide (DADS or 4,5-dithia-1,7-octadiene) which is an organosulfur compound found in Allium plants. Plants with a high sulfur content may have a greater tolerance to pest and disease attacks.

Can you add too much sulfur to the soil?

Excessive applications of sulfur most often result in a decline in soil pH and an increase of the problems that occur with the pH decrease. Unfortunately, sulfur uptake is reduced as the pH of the soil decreases.

Strategies to Supplement Sulfur in Your Garden.

A soil test is the most important starting point when determining how much if any sulfur your garden soil will need. A soil-testing laboratory in the midwest, AGVise ( can determine the levels of sulfur in your soil, and help you determine how much you will need to add, based on what crop of crops you are growing. Soil testing of sulfur is usually a measure of sulfate-sulfur. Coarse textured soils may need sulfur, but finer textured soils can also be deficient. Heavy-feeding crops such as garlic and onions take up and remove more sulfur from the soil as compared to most grain crops. The best place to start is a soil test, then speak with your fertilizer retailer or agronomist.

What source of sulfur is right for you? Selecting the right source of sulfur is critical to ensure enough sulfate-sulfur is present in the soil at key uptake periods. There are several sulfur fertilizer sources available for purchase. Most soluble sulfur fertilizer contains sulfate, but others contain bisulfites, thiosulfates, and polysulfides. The most common insoluble sulfur fertilizer is elemental sulfur, which must be oxidized to sulfate before plants can use it. Keep in mind that Sulfur is included in fertilizer through a range of sources that include:

  • NPK fertilizer

  • Potassium Sulfate

  • Ammonium Sulfate

  • Organic Matter

  • Phosphoric fertilizer

  • Gypsum or Calcium Sulfate

Sulfur is contained in organic matter such as manure and compost, and if you regularly apply organic matter such as compost or manure to your garden, keep in mind that organic sulfur must be mineralized to the inorganic sulfate anion before it can be taken up by crops. The decomposition of organic materials and the resulting sulfur release varies greatly, as this is a biological process and is affected by temperature, moisture, aeration and particle size. This process also produces some acidity in the soil. Remember that the lower the pH number, the more acidic it's considered. Garlic grows best in soils with a pH between 6-7.

Sulfate fertilizer sources like ammonium, potassium and calcium sulfate will provide readily available sulfate to a garlic crop. The drawback of these materials is that this form of sulfate can leach through the soil profile quickly after application. While it is possible to leach sulfate, research in Minnesota has demonstrated that sulfate can carry over in medium- to fine-textured soils and be in the soil profile that fall and even the year following application. Fall application of sulfate can provide available sulfur to the crop the following year.

When Elemental sulfur is applied to the soil, throughout the growing season, soil microbes convert the elemental sulfur into sulfate-sulfur for season-long feeding. Size matters! The smaller the size of elemental sulfur particles, the easier it is for the microbial population to oxidize it into sulfate-sulfur

When Sulfate-Sulfur-based fertilizer is applied, it supplies both S₄²⁻ and S⁰ in the same granule. When fertilizers are applied to the soil, the sulfate-sulfur is already in the proper form to feed the plant. Fertilizer granules rapidly dissolve and move sulfate-sulfur into the root zone for early-season development. This ensures season-long sulfur availability.

What Are the Best Sulfur Fertilizers for Organic Crops?

Synthetic fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate (AMS), potassium sulfate, and ammonium thiosulfate are not considered organic. What sulfur fertilizers are best for use in organic crop production? Here is a short list of sulfur fertilizers available for use in organic systems (Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI)).

Bentonite sulfur fertilizers (elemental sulfur).

You won’t find a more economical, higher analysis, season-long source of sulfur for agricultural use. Its two primary ingredients are organic: elemental sulfur and bentonite clay. In most cases, the only additional requirement necessary to achieve OMRI certification is the use of an organic dust-suppressanutrientsnt. Bentonite sulfur provides season-long, slow release sulfur nutrient to the crop. Generally 30%-40% is converted to sulfate over the growing season. Some products are made with a slow-release mechanism which can minimize the risk of leaching. Bentonite sulfur fertilizers can be used for soil amendment programs to lower pH. Elemental sulfur, the concentrated form of sulfur, must be oxidized to the sulfate before plants use it.

Gypsum (Calcium sulfate).

Gypsum has been used to improve soil quality for a long time. It contains approximately 17% sulfur and is a readily-available sulfate. Gypsum is commonly used as sulfur sources, only where soils or cropping call for it. Gypsum is immediately plant available, and is an affordable sulfur source and source of calcium. It can be used as a soil amendment to increase organic content as well.


Manure is an excellent source of sulfur, as well as many other important nutrients. “Most livestock manure contains approximately 0.25% to 0.30% sulfur. Sulfur content is greater, however, in poultry manure (0.50%)” – Sulfur Fertility for Crop Production.

Organic Matter.

Organic Matter such as aged compost is a good source of sulfur. In order for sulfur to mineralize and become available for plants, a number of microbial processes need to occur.


 your garlic, usually a pungent powerhouse, suddenly starts sulking. Its leaves turn pale, its cloves shrivel, and it throws a garlic-scented tantrum like a moody teenager. Why? It might be suffering from a serious case of sulfur deficiency, a silent saboteur stealing its mojo.

Don't worry, this isn't a reason to ditch your garlic dreams. Sulfur, like a loyal sidekick, is crucial for garlic's health and flavor. It's the star ingredient in allicin, the compound that gives garlic its punchy kick and those pesky vampire-repelling powers. Think of it as the secret sauce that makes garlic, well, garlic.

But sulfur isn't just about spice. It's also a building block for protein, enzymes, and vitamins, all the essential gear that keeps your garlic thriving. It helps fight off diseases, builds strong roots, and even helps it absorb other nutrients like nitrogen, the leafy-green superhero.

Now, not all sulfur is created equal. Garlic prefers its sulfur in the form of sulfate, like a well-dressed guest at a fancy dinner party. Sulfate is readily available in the soil, absorbed by the plant's roots like a delicious appetizer. But sometimes, the soil can be a bit stingy with this VIP guest.

That's where you come in! Compost, manure, and even Epsom salts can be like personal chefs, whipping up delicious sulfate treats for your garlic. Just remember, moderation is key. Too much sulfur can be like a bad buffet, leaving your garlic feeling bloated and sluggish.

So, next time you see your garlic looking a little down in the dumps, remember the importance of sulfur. Give it a little sulfate boost, and watch it transform back into the pungent, flavorful hero it was meant to be. After all, a happy garlic is a delicious garlic, and a delicious garlic makes for a happy kitchen. Now go forth and spread the garlicky gospel, one clove at a time, and remember, even the mightiest superheroes need a good dose of sulfur!

Sulfur deficiency results in poor quality and yield of crops. Begin with a soil test to determine if your soil requires additional sulfur. Sulfur exists in many different forms in nature, and plants can absorb sulfur only through their root systems in the SO₄²⁻ form, also known as sulfur-sulfate. All soil elemental sulfur must be converted to SO₄²⁻ in order to be utilized by plants. This means that elemental sulfur, S⁰, is totally unavailable to plants. Elemental S is inert and water-insoluble. When elemental sulfur, S⁰, is added to the soil, microbes, moisture and heat convert S⁰ to a form the plants can use, namely sulfur-sulfate, SO₄²⁻. There are many sources of sulfur found in the soil. Organic matter contains up to 95% of the total sulfur content in soils and the decomposition of organic matter results in the mineralization of organic sulfur into the SO42−, which will be available to plants. Microbial activity is reduced by cold and excessively wet or dry conditions. There are more than 22 different sulfur-containing fertilizers are available commercially which is immediately available for plant uptake. Some chemical fertilizers contain a considerable amount of sulfur along with nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. The timing and type of sulfur application influence the presence of sulfur in the soil and the availability of the plant. Crop yield can be sustainably improved by adding the right type of sulfur to the soil.

Additional Reading and Resources

Influence of sulfur on growth and yield of garlic (Allium sativum L.). Author(s): SB Babaleshwar, Shilpa R Koppad, KK Math and R Dharmatti. Abstract: The experiment was conducted at Main Agricultural Research Station, UAS, Dharwad during rabi season of 2014-15 to study the effect of sulfur on the productivity of garlic. Read more here:


Mr. Jere Folgert is the owner of GroEat Garlic Farm in Bozeman, Montana. GroEat Farm is a small, sustainable family farm located inthe shadows of the Gallatin Mountain Range. The hardneck varieties grown on their farm flourish, due to the combination of the very cold winters, heavy snowpack, moist spring, temperate summers, and the nutrient-rich and dynamic alluvial soils, washed down from the Gallatin Mountain Range.



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GroEat Farm, LLC is a small, independently-owned grower and supplier of premium quality hardneck garlic (seed and culinary).    We provide exceptional quality hardneck garlic to nurseries,  market growers, home garden enthusiasts, chefs, and anyone else looking for better hardneck garlic. GroEat Farm, LLC is a small, sustainable family farm located in Bozeman, Montana.  We’re located in the beautiful Hyalite foothills, below the Gallatin Mountain Range.  The hardneck varieties that grow at our farm (Ophioscorodon) flourish here, due to the combination of the cold winters, temperate summers, moist spring, and the dynamic alluvial soils, washed down from the Gallatin Range (comprised of Archean metamorphics, Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, and Eocene volcanics).  Not only are the GroEat Hardneck garlic healthy and beautiful, the flavor’s are robust and delicate. Our mission at GroEat Farm, LLC is to grow premium hardneck garlic, preserve garlic varieties for the future (through propagation), and to provide others with the opportunity to grow garlic from our seed.   We help home gardeners, chefs, small-scale commercial growers, gardeners, plant nurseries, and anyone else looking for better hardneck garlic.  We are continuing a very long tradition of growing quality gourmet and seed hardneck garlic.   

groeat farm in monana
Harvest Hardneck Garlic

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