Ivan Hardneck Garlic is a Large, Porcelain, Hardneck Garlic. The bulb size is typically plump. This spicy garlic is in high demand. Similar to Music and Georgian Crystal. Ivan is one of the first hardneck garlic plants to sprout in the spring.
Ivan garlic, a cherished family heirloom passed down through generations, was initially grown exclusively for personal use. In the early 2000s, a Man named Ivan Mcilroy shared surplus bulbs on a local bulletin board, catching the attention from Langside Farms. Impressed by its quality, they introduced it at Ontario garlic festivals under the name Ivan, after extensive cultivation to meet growing demand. From there, Ivan expanded production from bulbils, selling to a Farm in Ohio, where its popularity quickly spread across the United States. Despite similarities in name to a Czech variety, Ivan garlic stands distinct in taste and cultivation.
With 4 to 7 large, fat cloves per bulb, the clove's outer skin may have thin pink, magenta, and red non-linear stripes, and the top of the cloves comes to a thin, flattened point. Cloves are easy to peel. Ivan is a rather hot and spicy garlic variety. This if dependent upon the soil you grow the garlic. Got sulfur? Eaten raw, Ivan will spread garlic fireworks in your mouth. Roasting and cooking disarms the spicy flavor and reveals a warm, spicy flavor.
Our Ivan Garlic is Naturally Grown. Our garlic is grown in organically-rich soil full of organic compost and worms. Ivan, is considered Hardneck Garlic and is part of the Porcelain family. Typically, each bulb contains large cloves. Ivan is well known and grown in Canada and does well in the northern United States.
When used raw, Ivan is "Hot-flavored". When cooked or roasted, Ivan develops a sweet. buttery flavor. Because the cloves that comprise the Ivan bulb are large, Ivan garlic is a good choice for making Black Garlic. Ivan garlic is a really flavourful, full-body garlic for use in your culinary wonders. The large bulbs are easy to peel and Ivan sports a true garlic flavor, with spicy and hot overtones.
When planting Ivan Garlic in the northern United States, plan to plant these gems right around Halloween.
Approximately 10 pounds of our Ivan Garlic equates to 250 cloves. 10 Bulbs/heads have a weight of about 2 pounds. Approximately 20 pounds of our Ivan Garlic equates to 500 cloves. Keep in mind that each garlic bulb contains 3-7 cloves that are rather large.
During the growing season, the Ivan garlic plant is a very good survivor. usually grows tall and healthy and appears to be relatively resistant to most of the diseases that can affect garlic. It is one of those Porcelains that were formerly called Allium Longicuspis and still retains the ability to produce viable flowers, pollen and seed. If you want to experiment with developing garlic seed, this one's for you. The plant has lush green leaves and can grow fertile flowers and seed.
GroEat Garlic is shipped beginning in September, depending on the season and the variety. Quantities are limited; order early for best availability. Sorry, our Montana garlic is not available to growers in Idaho or Canada.
IVAN (Hardneck, Porcelain)
Ivan does well in climates with cold winters, and is more tolerant to the wet spring soil and is resistant to common allium diseases. Ivan Luna produces 4-6 cloves per bulb. Ivan is a garlic planted in the fall, soon after the first frost and a few weeks before the first hard frost. The seed garlic bulbs should be taken apart into separate cloves not long before planting. Hardneck garlic requires vernalization (exposure to a period of cold temperatures) before or after planting. Plant cloves two inches deep, the pointed side up. Garlic does best with a loose soil with very good drainage and a pH between 6.0 and 7.0 optimum. Plant in an area with full sun exposure.